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  1. Katrien A, Thomas V, Steven D,  Sonnia G ,Jan W. Nancy F, Maria Pilar Cornejo-Rodriguez, Jorge C, Magda V.- Macrofaunal community structure and zonation of an
    Ecuadorian sandy beach (bay of Valdivia)
  2. D. Destoumieux, M. Munoz, P. Bulet and E. BachereCMLS, Cell. Mol. Life Sci.-  Evaluation of frozen Umbrella-stage Artemia as first animal live food for Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) larvae.
  3. Wilfrido A, Alfredo L .- Broodstock Conditioning, Spawning Induction, and Early Larval Development of the Tropical Rock Oyster Striostrea prismatica (Gray 1825).
  4. Bonny B, Stanislaus S, Xavier O, Johanna G, Jorge C, Ignacio de B, María del Pilar C, Sam S, Teresa V, Frans O.- An online operational alert system for the early detection of shrimp epidemics at the regional level based on real-time production.
  5. Bonny Bayot, Jenny Rodríguez, Wilfrido Arguello, María Cornejo, Stanislaus Sonnenholzner .- An evaluation of intraspecific competition for Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei (Boone) in extensive/semi-intensive ponds.
  6. Robertson P, Calderon J, Carrera L, Stark J, Zherdmant M, Austin B.- Experimental Vibrio herveyi infections in Penaeus vannamei larvae.
  7. Marıa de L, Stanislaus S, Mathieu W, Patrick S.- Ammonia tolerance of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) larvae.
  8. M Gulliana, F Thompson, J Rodriguez.- Selection of probiotic bacteria and study of theirimmunostimulatory effect in Penaeus vannamei.
  9. Ana Gutierrez, Julia Neto, Francisco Pozo, Samuel Stern, Liliane Schoofs.- Effect of insulin/IGF-I like peptides on glucose metabolism in the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei.
  10. José M, Javier T, Fanny P, Irma B, César G, Stanislaus S, Yasuji A, Jean R .-Infectious muscle necrosis etiology in the Pacific White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) cultured in Ecuador.
  11. Alfredo Loor & Stanislaus Sonnenholzner.- Reproductive cycle of the rock oyster, Striostrea prismatica (Gray, 1825) from two locations on the southern coast of Ecuador.
  12. J Melena, B Bayot, I Betancourt, Y Amano, F Panchana, V Alday,S Stern, Ph Roch and J-R Bonami, J Caldern.-  Pre-exposure to infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus or to inactivated white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) confers protection against WSSV in Penaeus vannamei (Boone) post-larvae.
  13. Yasuji Amano, Linda Diaz C, Jose Melena C.-Fine Structure Analysis of White Spot Syndrome Virus of Shrimp.
  14. César Molina-Poveda,, Mariela Lucas, Miguel Jover.- Evaluation of the potential of Andean lupin meal (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) as an alternative to fish meal in juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei diets.
  15. E Naesen, P Lavens, L Gomez, C Browdy, K Hopkins, A Espencer, D Kawahigashi, P Sorgeloos.- Maduration Performance of Penaus vannamie co-fed Artemia Biomass Preparations.
  16. Franklin P, Filip A, Volckaert, Jorge Caldero´n.- Pathogenicity of white spot syndrome virus on postlarvae and juveniles of Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei.
  17. Franklin P, Juan O, Filip, Volckaert M, Cesar G,Gorge C.- Development of EST-SSR Markers by Data Mining in Three Species of Shrimp: Litopenaeus vannamei, Litopenaeus stylirostris, and Trachypenaeus birdy.
  18. J Rodrguez, B Bayot, Y Amano, F Panchana, I de Blas, V Alday and J Caldern.- White spot syndrome virus infection in cultured Penaeus vannamei (Boone) in Ecuador with emphasis on histopathology and ultrastructure.
  19. J Rodriguez, R Cedeño, B Bayot, F Echeverria, Jaime A, T Silva, A Valladares, D Aguayo, Stanilaus S.- Effect of the Vibrio alginolyticus Probiotis-Glucans and temperature on Shirmp Production.
  20. Jenny Rodríguez,, Yuri Espinosa, Fabricio Echeverría, Gabriela Cárdenas,Rubén Romána, Samuel Sterna.- Exposure to probiotics and β-1,3/1,6-glucans in larviculture modifies the immune response of Penaeus vannamei juveniles and both the survival to White Spot Syndrome Virus challenge and pond culture.
  21. Annika K. Mackensen, Thomas Brey and Stanislaus Sonnenholzner.- The Fate of Spondylus Stocks (Bivalvia: Spondylidae) in Ecuador: Is Recovery Likely?.
  22. Robles-Arozarena, et al.Johan Vandenberghe, Linda Verdonck, Rocio.-Vibrios Associated with Postlarvae, Broodstock, and Larvae,Litopenaeus vannamei Hatchery Probionts.
  23. Roeland Wouters, Cesar Molina,Jorge Calderon, Patrick Lavensb.- Lipid composition and vitamin content of wild female Litopenaeus Õannamei in different stages of sexual maturation.
  24. W Arguello, Molina Poveda.-  Effect of binder type and concentration on preparel feed stability, feed ingestion and digestibility of litopenaeus vannamei broodstok diets.
  25. E Bachere, E Mialhe, D Doel, V Boulo, A Marvan, J Rodriguez.- Konwledge and resheard prospects in maric mollusc and crustacean immunology.
  26. P Torres, J Neto, D Veelaret, D Boon, G Water , J Calderon.- The kinin peptide Family in Invertebrates.
  27. Páblo Lonbeida Terranova.- Tecnica para el Policultivode ostras Cassostrea gigas y Camaron penaeus yannamei en  Ecuador Acuicultor Guayaquil---Ecuador
  28. A Pedrazzoli, C Molina, N Montoya, T Townsend, A Leon-Hing, Y Parades, J Calderon.- Recent Advances on Nutrition Research of Penaneus Vannamei in Ecuador.